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If you have questions about how to lesson make sure to read through our step-by-step guide to lessoning at VVEC. It's also important to read through the barn rules, so that you can stay safe while out at the barn!


Lesson Info

Step by Step of How to Inquire for Lessons!


  1. We are lucky enough to have 3 instructors dedicated to our teams success! Contact Ann White, Alice White, or Lauren Kastner. If you need their contact information, please reach out to an officer!

  2. Once you have a date and time that works for you as a rider and the coach you wish to ride with, enter it into our IHSA TimeTree. This helps all of us keep track of lessons and create team practices if scheduling allows! If you don't have access to the TimeTree please ask an officer!

  3. Every ride or lesson costs our members $50! You can make this payment by venmoing @Ann-White-62. In cases where payment plans might be needed, please reach out to Ann directly!

  4. Please arrive at Vermillion Valley Equine Center 30 minutes prior to your lesson. This gives you ample time to groom, tack up, and get to know the horse you are riding!

  5. Please make sure you are wearing appropriate riding attire. This entails long pants (breeches or jeans), closed toe shoes (with a heel preferably), and a helmet (required)! 


VVEC Barn Rules

Make sure to follow these to stay safe and have fun!


  1. Wear a Helmet! 

  2. Sweep your grooming space BEFORE and AFTER you ride!

  3. Return all brushes and grooming supplies to the proper place.

  4. Clean all VVEC equipment used and return to its proper home

  5. Return all half pads to the shelf, dirty saddle pads to the laundry basket, cleaner saddle pads to the shelf, and wet saddle pads can hang on the wall.

  6. If an arena is being used in a lesson, consider riding in the other arena to allow the student to get the most of their time with the trainer.

  7. If you use the western trailer close it when you are done + check for Meatball (the cat).

  8. Be safe and have a good ride!

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